performance with dance and live music

A piece about creating cozy places to feel at ease and the joy of being able to be who you are.

Pillowfortresses, tablecaves and treehouses. Hidden and just big enough for us.

Often we can play there all day and sometimes we are there to rest and dream.Then, all of a sudden, trees grow, we hear the sound of the sea and we find wonderful things.

Together we build a boot, a house, a planet. Een plekje heel geheim. What does that actually look like? Is it Big or small? Do we both fit in? Is it possible to fly there? To do a funny dance? To walk on the ceiling? Or see the stars?

Concept, direction, music: Oona Minoo

Performance: Oona Minoo, Jessica van de Koot

Photos: Maarten Fox, Elodie Vreeburg

Made possible by: Janivo Stichting, Alkmaar Maakt het!

Special thanks to: Unieke Zaken, Hollandse Luchten


November 6th 2024   

at Podium Noord, The Hague

November 9th 2024

at Plein Theater Amsterdam

November 10th 2024

at Amare, The Hague

Wanna take the music home?

You can get the album 

Boat-bubbles-light-woman. An adventure on land and sea.

A child from the audience

A fine performance with sound, music and movement at a leisurely pace.”

A parent from the audience

Visual and responsive to the senses.

A parent from the audience
