TextilTanz 2020
Dance improvisation, music: Oona Minoo
Costume: Claire Chatel
Photos: Linnéa Jänen
Video: TextilTanz
"Tracks we carry. Tracks we follow. Tracks we leave behind.
No past without future. No future without past.
Engraved and interwoven.
No ending. No beginning. An infinite thread."
Lyrics from the music to Tracks
Metamorphosis can be slowly. But also, sudden and explosive.
Originally a part of the dance performance “Being & Becoming”, “Last Human Solo” became its own independent format, shifting the stage into an open air scenery with another original costume.
This project started with an intensive movement research about the sensation/imagination of anatomical “layers” of the body (skin, muscles, fascia, bones etc.) and its relationship to movement (qualities). During the following residencies at CLOUD/danslab and Espace des possibles, Claire Chatel (costume, stage design) and Oona Minoo (movement research, music), experimented with sound and textile materials, connecting other kinds of layers to the developed movement material. In the last research periode, the interaction between body, movement and material was the main focus of research and was then formed into choreographic scenes, which were presented at CLOUD/danslab.
The rich artistic material that came out of this research project inspired TextilTanz to develop the following wor: Being & Becoming, Last Human Solo and Tracks as well as the composition and artistic video Sous ma peau.
Skin as a border between the inner and the outer world.
The most intimate human cover. As the outermost envelope. The closest contact point to our surroundings.
Skin covers the many layers of the body,
interwowen and engraved with memories and stories.
At the presentation at CLOUD/danslab.
This video was created during the residency at Espace des possibles.
TextilTanz 2019-2020
Movement research, choreography, dance: Oona Minoo
Textile research, costume, stage design: Claire Chatel
Residencies at: CLOUD/danslab,
The Hague, Espace des possibles, Royan
Photos: Ralph Luzon, TextilTanz
Video: TextilTanz